

之前分享过雅思口语part2的答题技巧,今天来和大家分享一波part1的干货~ 很多同学在准备雅思的时候都会陷入一个备考的误区,就是只专注在提高笔试成绩上,殊不知雅思笔试和口语是相互影响的。试想一下,如果考生的口语成绩比较好,那么他在考试的过程中心态就会比较平稳,不会因为自己某个答题失误而乱了阵脚;而如果考生把口语练习好,再结合合理的答题技巧,那么他拿到高分的希望也就更大了! 所以大家在备考的时候一定要记得平衡四科的成绩呀!

好啦~说回正题,那接下来就分享一些part1的题库及答案给大家。由于篇幅过长,我将题目以及答案分割成两部分,大家按需取用哦~ 描述一件事并解释其原因

答案: My favourite season is winter. There are many reasons for my choice. First of all,winter is the coldest season in a year and I like the feeling of putting on my warm clothes to go outside. Secondly,the weather is usually very clear with blue skies and white clouds. It is so beautiful that it warms our hearts. Finally,Christmas is coming. I love this festival.It is a time when families get together and celebrate through shopping,cooking and exchanging gifts.All in all,it’s a blessing to have such a wonderful season. And you? What's yourfavourite season? Why?(注意:答主在此附上一个独家小tips,就是在回答问句时可以把问句的首字大写并在后面加一个问题句号,这样会更加分哟)
