1、按照护照上的信息填写,这是官方的、准确的答案; 但如果题主是美籍公民,想表示一个“态度”的话,可以这样填—— 国籍: Citizen of the USA. This is a fact, and I feel proud to be one! So just for fun, why not declare it? 2、直接写上自己的英文名字,不写中文姓名的拼音 全拼;
如果这个英文姓名是自己取的,那还可以加上一句解释(Explanation): My English name was given by my parents. It means "like gold" in Chinese. They hoped that they could give me something precious as much as their country. 而如果我用的是原中文姓氏+原英文名的方式取得的新名字,那么我还需要另外再写一句解释,说明我的新身份: As you can see, my surname has not changed when making this change. The reason behind taking an English name is quite simple: I want people to know that no matter how many times your identity changes, who you are will never change! 然后签上自己大名~ 以上两个答案都是开玩笑的啦,但也能看得出一些东西来哦…… 例如,当题主在填写DS-160的时候,其实就是在向使馆表明你的身份和立场啊…所以如果题主真的想移民,或者已经在移民的路上,那就不要藏着掖着了哦~
3、关于上面的“解释”部分 我自己是这么写的(因为我是用原英文名和原姓氏+英文名方式取得的新名字): When I turned 18, I took up an English name which means "as good as gold" in Chinese. Because at that time, I had already become a U.S. citizen like gold. And since then my legal status has been unchanged ever since! 当然,每个申请人的背景不同,情况各异,因此也可以根据自己的实际情况编写不同的解释内容,只要能自圆其说就好!