1. 先占个位子,最近比较忙,过几天再来补充。2. 刚刚和负责我case的签证官聊完天,来补充一下内容 - 这个故事告诉我们,不要试图通过email与签证官沟通。
3. 我已经收到了580封信件,其中450封都是关于我的case。签证官大概会看每封信件的摘要,但绝对不会全部看完信件的内容(这点从他们给我回复的邮件就可以看出来)。所以如果你真的想要催促签证的话,我建议发一封短一点的email就可以了。千万不要发很多很多的信给他!因为这样他只会觉得你很烦人而已。。。
4. 有很多人都在问我是怎么知道我在等签证的,其实只要你在移民局的网站上用自己的档案号码登录一下你的status就可以了。如果显示你是在申请中或者等待审理的话,基本上可以确定你是正在等签证了。
5. 关于催签,签证官给我的答案是这样的: It's up to the officer in charge of your application case (usually a Visa Officer) as when he/she decides to grant you a visa. There is no specific timeframe for these decisions and sometimes they will take longer than anticipated, e.g because additional supporting documents are required or if there has been an issue with the visa that needs to be resolved before it can be granted. If however, after all this time, you believe there have been inconsistencies within your file, then you should raise them directly with us by providing new evidence which may help answer any concerns our officer might have. We would need to verify the validity of new material submitted so we cannot comment on whether or not you could submit more letters from employers at this stage. However, I advise you only to send further letters if you feel sure they add value to your case. Thank you very much