澳洲485毕业生工作签,又称5年绿卡过渡签,可自由选择2-4年,1.9万澳币起,无语言和学历要求。 申请要求: 澳洲毕业全日制本科或以上学历,有毕业证、成绩单; 在澳洲毕业后6个月内递交申请; 在澳洲合法居住满2年以上(不包括旅游签) 通过健康调查及品格调查 无犯罪记录; 职业评估及工作offer;
注意:如果申请者是在2013年以后获得的本科学历,则无法申请此签证!需要申请另一个5年的工签,也就是PSW签证。 PSW全称Post Study Work Visa,是针对澳洲留学生的一项移民政策。凡是毕业于澳洲被认可的大学,并完成学位的留学生都有资格获得此项签证,签证时间为两年。 如果学生在毕业后找到工作,即可申请482工作签证,这个签证的有效期为3~4年不等,持有此签证满两个年限后可以申请永久居民 (PR) 身份。
澳洲政府对于这项政策的初衷就是希望留学生可以在澳洲工作学习和生活,融入当地的生活,从而成为下一个澳洲公民,所以政府对申请人的条件控制得比较松,只要满足以下条件,就可以申请了: 1 对申请人英文没有硬性规定(有些州有要求,比如新州,维州,南澳), 但建议能提供雅思成绩是最好的.
2 需要有大专以上学历(包括高中大学硕士博士);
3 需要有澳洲院校出具的完整学历认证(COE)(澳洲的1,2年diploma 不可以作为担保学历来申请该签证)
4 年龄要在50周岁以下;
5 有足够的经济能力维持自己在澳洲学习期间以及未来两年的生活开支;(一般情况是1万左右一个月,但具体还要看地区和个人情况)
6 身体健康,品行良好;
7 拿到学校正式的COE(入学通知书),并且课程已经毕业或在读中.
一、 Post Graduate Co-op Stream Post Graduate Co-Op Stream of the 485 visas is applicable to any person who has completed a course which requires at least one year of full time study or equivalent and includes a co-operative education program, for example an undergraduate degree with a work placement in their final year. This stream enables you to apply for two years of post study work visa upon graduation from your bachelor's degree, as long as both you have been enrolled in this type of programme AND you are working under this programme during your studies. You need to provide evidence that you were paid at least AU$20,800 per annum while doing so. The application period starts on when the course commences but ends within three months after completion. Applicants must be able to prove English language proficiency by taking the IELTS test before making online application. However, applicants will not receive their results until up to four weeks later——which may affect their chances of getting accepted! If they want to take it again,they can pay $A159 to retake the examination. In addition, if you haven’t finished all courses required to complete your degree by the date you make your application,you cannot start to do so afterwards. And even worse, there is no chance to extend your stay once