

这个问题我可太有发言权了,本人8分,应该是比较准确的反馈。 雅思阅读一共40道题,对36-40道得9分,对32-35道得8分,以此类推…… 对18-21道得5分,对12-17道得4分,对6-11道得3分。

根据官方给出的评分方案,每一道题都是按正误比例给分的,也就是说你错一道题目,很有可能就有两到三道题目正确;反之,你若做对了两道题目,很可能就有一道题目错误。 当然,也有不按这个方案给分的,比如说题型的分值不同(后面会讲到),还有可能出现“漏判”的情况——就是你觉得做了很多题目的那种感觉,但实际上并没有做对那么多个。所以有时候也会看到有的人分数比估分为高,就是因为有“漏判”的情况存在。

总之,无论怎么样计分,正确率总是和得分成正比的。因此我们在备考的时候,首先要把准确率提高,至于速度可以在确保准确度的基础上加以练习。 那下面我来讲讲如何提高做题的正确率 雅思阅读文章涉及题材广泛,但题型相对较少,每种题型都有其出题特点和作答方法,只要掌握方法和思路,就能快速找准答案。下面就介绍几种常见的题型。

段落信息对应题: 这种题型要求我们能够找到段落中相对应的语句来答题。解题的关键在于抓住段落的中心思想,然后找到在文中出现频率最多的词语或短语,这些往往就是我们作答的线索。

例:Questions 8-11 are based on the passage below.

In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in wildlife crime.Much of this activity is related to the illegal trade in wild animals and plants for food, medicine and the pet trade.The Internet and other technologies have played a large part in making it easier than ever before to buy and sell illegal goods.

With new research indicating that over half of all species of fish, birds, and mammals are now threatened with extinction,the international community recognizes the need for immediate action to halt this decline in biodiversity.

At the global level, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), established under the United Nations framework,aims to address these problems by encouraging countries to implement policies that will reduce local threats to endangered species. Under the Biodiversity Protocol, signed by more than one hundred countries at the time of writing,each party commits to “the effective implementation of the national strategies it has developed to achieve the full implementation of its obligations under the Convention…with respect to biological diversity”.It also requires countries to take steps towards implementing the conventions goals, which include the protection of ecosystems, the preservation of genetic diversity,and the development of sustainable techniques for land use. At the domestic level, many governments have enacted laws prohibiting the illegal trafficking of flora and fauna.

As the CBD protocols indicate
