

作为一个在北美留学,前后考了两次托福的人,我勉强有资格来回答这个问题! 第一次考托福是高中毕业申请大学的时候,目标分100+,结果出分了98,非常失望。但当时对北美教育体系还不了解,不知道100+的分数意味着什么——这个成绩好学校是去不成的,只能去些野鸡大学(当然,以我的实力,本来也去不了啥好学校……)。

第二次考试是在大一结束的时候,目标是115,因为考虑到美国本科的录取要求比研究生要略高一些。考前看了雷哥网,上了点儿网课,练了点儿真题范文,就去参加考试了。 那次考试的题目我记得很清楚,因为其中有一题让我用过去式谈一谈第一次考托福的情况。我想了一下,用第一人称来写一篇长一点的解答。于是就有了以下的答案:

My first TOEFL was in the year of 2014, when I was in senior high school. I remember it clearly because that day is my birthday. My target score was over 100 but unfortunately I only got 98. This made me feel so disappointed and discouraged as if there was no way out for me. However, after a couple of months, I decided to give my best again on my second TOEFL test. In order to prepare for this exam, I went online to find some tips and tricks, and read up on some sample answers. One tip that I remembered very well was to breathe deeply and relax myself before starting to answer any question in the test. Also, instead of using TPO (the official practice tests), I used the real TOEFL iBT practice test from ETS’s website. The reason why I chose not to use TPO was that I had heard some negative comments about its accuracy.

In addition, before going to the test site, I also printed out two articles one to write down key words and another to act as the base for a response to an open-ended question. Of course, these were just sample responses to issues like “What are you planning to do with your life” that would be asked in an interview, not what exactly they would ask in the actual exam. Regardless, I felt more prepared this time around and my confidence level was a little higher. And the results reflected my improved attitude towards the exam: 117, which is the score I wanted.

To sum up, while preparing for the TOEFL iBT, I think it is essential to build up one's confidence and take positive actions toward achieving success rather than dwell on failures or accept defeat too easily. With determination and right strategies, anyone can make dreams come true.




