

看到好多答主都写了很好的答案,我这里再补充一个梗。 普林斯顿大学可以说是常春藤里对中国留学生最友好的学校了(当然和哥大一样几乎没门槛)。因为只要你能被它录取基本上就算你有学上了( ̄▽ ̄)~ 然而这个友好是有代价的——很多来自中国的学生往往会被分配到一个叫做“中国学生联合会”(Chinese Students Association)的社团,在加入之前会收到邮件提醒:

The Chinese Students' Association (CSA) is one of the oldest student organizations at Princeton. Its mission is to promote cultural, intellectual and social interactions among its members as well as with other students on campus.

What does being a member mean? Simply that you commit yourself to attending monthly meetings, going over current events in China or other topics of common interest to Chinese students. In addition, each year the CSA organizes a number of academic panels, social activities, and speakers who come from all fields of study but have something interesting to say about contemporary China.

We also publish The Princeton Spectator, a biweekly newspaper which gives our readers the latest news concerning political, economic, and social developments both inside and outside of China. As an independent organization, we receive no state funding, and thus rely on membership dues, advertising revenue, and contributions from supporters to cover our operating expenses. Your money goes to pay for things like printing newspapers, sending out newsletters, and organizing panel discussions and speeches at Princeton University.


In order to join the CSA, please return the enclosed form along with your check payable to “Princeton Student Involvement Fee” by this Friday, June 15th. You will be added to our mailing list; you do not need to bring anything to future meetings.

所以如果题主想进普林斯顿的话,不妨考虑一下申请一下这个学校的CS专业哦~ 然后就能像@李雷不玩手机那样顺利进入梦想中的学堂啦~(别打我)
