

以UBC为例(其他学校大致相同),一个学期4门课 每门课的学分从1分到4分不等,具体由该门课的教学进度而定,一般是3个月一个学期,每个星期上2门课。所以,一个学分的计算是: 学分=(课程周数/4)*学分值 假如你的专业需要修满30个学分才能毕业,那么平均下来,你要上15门课才行。而一门课的价格一般是在2000-4000加币不等。

在入学的时候,学校会发给你一份教学计划(program outline),里面会有详细告诉你这个专业毕业所需要的学分,以及要修哪些学科才能满足毕业要求。 所以大家在刚进入学校的时候,一定要仔细看看自己的教学计划,按照这个计划来安排自己的学习。

如果中途你改变了主意,想换一个专业,那么就要看一下新专业的教学计划,看看你现在的学分能不能转到新的专业去,如果转不了,那么你必须要重修缺少的学分,因为每一学分都是按着几千加币来计算。 大家在选择专业的时候,要考虑清楚哟!


我是在加拿大上的学,是读商科(coop)的。 每个学校都会有自己的系统叫Coop. You can find out what the calculation is at yourschool's coop office, on their website or in an email from Admissions. There are a couple of calculators that you can use to calculate it but i found them pretty hard to understand so just asked my advisor (i think she took advantage of her position and used this as an excuse for not being able to answer me :P)

The system works like this: You put down all your courses with credits (the ones where you need C+/B- average, see the grading scale here ) Then there s another screen where you enter any transferred credits you received from other universities(you will probably have to get permission from previous institutions, colleges and high schools to get those transcripts approved by UofT) And then you choose which classes you want to take next year (note: if u know how the grading scales work don t be afraid to ask about it because you would hate finding out too late that your grades don"t count as much as hoped when applying to grad school) At some point they might give you access to the calculator that does the math on the grade earned x amount of course hours taken=your GPA

You do NOT need to worry about "courses transferable between institutions". Your university has already done that part for you; you only need to make sure whatever we say counts towards a particular program! Good Luck!
